World History Maps Interactive Historical Atlas of the Civil War, detail page for:
Delaware, State before Nov 6, 1860 - after Jun 25, 1865
William Burton US Governor, before Nov 6, 1860 - Jan 20, 1863
Delaware election results: Lincoln 3822 23.7%, Douglas 1066 6.6%, Bell 3888 24.1%, Breckinridge 7339 45.5%, Nov 6, 1860
Pennsylvania and Delaware transferred from US Dept. of the East to Dept. of Washington, Apr 19, 1861
US Dept. of Pennsylvania created Pennsylvania Delaware and parts of Maryland transferred from Dept. of Washington, Apr 27, 1861
US Dept. of The Potomac created Delaware and Maryland transferred from Dept. of Pennsylvania parts of Virginia included Dept. of Pennsylvania discontinued Depts. Of Washington Northeastern Virginia and Shenandoah discontinued absorbed by Dept. of the Poto, Aug 17, 1861
US Middle Dept. created Pennsylvania New Jersey Delaware and eastern Maryland transferred from Dept. of the Potomac, Mar 22, 1862
William Cannon US Governor, Jan 20, 1863 - Mar 1, 1865
Delaware election results: Lincoln 8155 48.2%, McClellan 8767 51.8%, Nov 8, 1864
Gove Salisbury US Governor, Mar 1, 1865 - after Jun 25, 1865